Celebration of My Parents 60th Anniversary - December 2007

My sister and I arranged for a celebration of my parents 60th anniversary at the Mission Inn Hotel, Riverside, California, where my parents honeymooned in 1947.  We also visited the University of Redlands where they met in 1945.

My parents, sister and I at the Mission Inn. (Photo by brother-in-law, Jeff; image editing by me.)

The Maitre d' of Duane's Restaurant at the Mission Inn welcomes us. Denise and I stand behind my parents, and my sister stands to the right. (Photo by brother-in-law, Jeff; image editing by me.)

A 60th Wedding Anniversary Cake. (Photo by brother-in-law, Jeff; image editing by me.)

The Mission Inn, Riverside.

The Mission Inn, Riverside.

Denise and I at the Mission Inn.

The architecture of the Mission Inn is eccentric at best, but interesting. Sort of Moroccan/Spanish/Italianate. Denise stands in front of our room (having to look into the setting sun for the photographer) in the center of the photograph.

At Christmas, the Mission Inn decorates itself for the season and invites the public in to see the "Festival of Lights".

Angels and other decorations adorn every available nook.

The Mission Inn chapel.

As part of the 60th anniversary celebration, we took my parents to the University of Redlands where they first met.

The University of Redlands quadrangle as seen from the steps of the administration building. The university chapel is at the other end of the quadrangle. My father prepares to take a picture.

It was at a dance in University Hall that my parents first danced (and kissed!), and my father apparently literally swept my mother off her feet. Shown are my parents, sister, and I. (Photo by brother-in-law, Jeff. Photo editing by me.)

My father standing in front of his dorm, men-only in his time there and now co-ed.

My parents standing in front of my mother's dorm, women-only in her time there but now co-ed.

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